Clothing Closet

Cover the Community

Kisha’s Clothing Closet

Thanks to the incredible support from Amazon, we have been able to distribute over 5,200 clothing items and shoes to marginalized communities. We are immensely grateful for their partnership, which has made a significant impact on the lives of countless youth and families. Vending and Partnership Opportunities Available. If you would like more information, please email us at

But it’s not just Amazon that deserves our recognition. We also want to express our appreciation to the numerous organizations, churches, schools, and shelters that have joined forces with us to make this initiative possible. It’s through these collaborative efforts that we’re able to make a difference and provide equal opportunities to underserved communities.

The Clothing Closet initiative is more than just providing clothing; it’s about empowering individuals and helping them regain their sense of dignity and self-worth. By equipping youth with the clothing they need, we’re helping them take crucial steps towards building sustainable lives and thriving futures.